10 Reasons on what makes Herndon High School special

Herndon Students Shine on National Stage! "Brewing Independence" Impresses at Career Development Conference
Our Work Awareness and Transition (WAT) program's "Brewing Independence" coffee shop made a significant impact at the Division on Career Development and Transition Conference. Students Anthony R. and Victoria Q. delivered an outstanding presentation, highlighting how this school-based enterprise provides hands-on learning and essential skills for future success. We are incredibly proud of their representation and the program's dedication to empowering our students.

A Choral Collaboration: HHS Hosts Successful Pyramid Event
Herndon High School's choir fostered a vibrant musical community on Monday, October 28th, by hosting a pyramid event for choral students from Dranesville, Armstrong, Aldrin, and Herndon Elementary schools, and Herndon Middle School. The afternoon featured a blend of rehearsals, collaborative activities, and a shared meal, all leading up to a special performance and meet-and-greet with the Georgetown Chimes. The public Pyramid Concert at 7 pm in the HHS Auditorium showcased the students' hard work, with the Herndon Choral Boosters raising essential funds through CandyGram and flower sales.

Herndon High Celebrates National Merit Semi-finalist and Commended Students

On October 30, 2024, Herndon High School celebrated the academic achievements of Harold Kim, named a National Merit Semi-finalist, and Commended Students Maitlyn B., Ellen L., John R., Andrew T., and Sean W. These students embody the National Merit Scholarship Corporation's goal of honoring exceptional academic talent.

Herndon High: Achieving Excellence, Building Futures
Herndon High School is proud to announce that we are fully accredited by the Virginia Department of Education, with scores in the GREEN for English, Math, and Science for the 2023-2024 school year. A special thank you to our extraordinary teachers who worked tirelessly to follow a new standards-based approach to instruction. We have truly come a long way! In addition to this academic achievement, Herndon High School’s Drop-Out rate is the lowest since 2015 and our Chronic Absenteeism numbers are the lowest ever! Lastly, while the College, Career, and Civic Readiness (CCCRI) category may be yellow on our school report, we have taken action this year to ensure we will be green in that category by the end of the year. We could not have done this without the support of our families and the hard work of each of our Hornet students. You can see the summary report below.

Beyond the Classroom: Stephanie Stewart's Excellence Recognized by FCPS

Herndon High School's Stephanie Stewart has been awarded the FCPS Excellence Award for her exceptional dedication to career mentoring. She excels in building community partnerships, providing students with valuable career opportunities, and supporting the school community through initiatives like a student-run clothing store and staff encouragement.

FCPS Honors Herndon High Custodial Team as Staff of the Year
Custodial Staff of the Year was presented to Herndon High School in recognition for their hard work and dedication to the wellbeing of our students and faculty. Their efforts help provide an environment that enables our students and staff to perform at their best. Congratulations to the best custodial team in FCPS!

Herndon is recognized as an AP Honor Roll school
The AP School Honor Roll recognizes schools whose AP programs are delivering results for students while broadening access. Schools can earn this recognition annually based on criteria that reflect a commitment to increasing college-going culture, providing opportunities for students to earn college credit, and maximizing college readiness. The AP School Honor Roll offers four levels of distinction: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum.
For a school to be recognized on the AP School Honor Roll in a given year, it must:
- Meet each of the following criteria for their students in the most recent graduating class; these criteria are anchored in research-based relationships between AP and college outcomes:
- College Culture: 40% or more of the graduating cohort took at least 1 AP Exam during high school.
- College Credit: 25% or more of the graduating cohort scored a 3 or higher on at least 1 AP Exam during high school.
- College Optimization: 2% or more of the graduating cohort took 5 or more AP Exams during high school. At least 1 of those exams was taken in 9th or 10th grade, so that students are spreading their AP experience across grades rather than feeling disproportionate pressure in any single year.
- Have full-time grade-12 enrollments. AP coordinators can update this information online in AP Registration and Ordering. Learn how.
- Be located within the United States (including U.S. territories) or Canada.

Herndon Band Program - Winter Concert
Congratulations to the HHS Band program and Mr. Fisher for a fabulous concert last night! For those who might not have seen our winter band concert, it brings with it some wonderful traditions. For example, HHS alumni are invited to return and join our band on stage to play our annual Sleigh Ride song. Several former students, and even Mrs. Jacoby joined this year!
Herndon Choir and Orchestra Performance
Congratulations to Ms. Waldrop and Ms. Devereux and the HHS choir and orchestra students. Their winter concert was a great success! It culminated in a combined performance of selections from the Messiah. The choir was a combination of students, teachers and the HUMC choir. A true community event! Well done!
Herndon Guitar Ensemble Performance
Congratulations to the HHS Guitar students under the direction of Chris Cunningham on a wonderful winter concert! Their performances were impressive and showed much musicality and hard work.

Herndon High School's Theatre Arts, "MacBeth Apocalypse" Incredible Performance
The play Macbeth is riddled with superstition, witchcraft, supernatural occurrences, and premonitions. The people of Shakespeare’s time at the millennial transition between the 16th and 17th century were filled with fear and awe of all things supernatural. Indeed, the theatre was one of the greatest places to go to see a good ghost story unfold. It is due to these superstitions and ill-fated lives of the protagonists within the story that staging a production of Macbeth comes with great concern. Indeed, when not “speaking the speech”, we must be careful not to say the play’s title within the hallowed halls of a theater, lest you conjure the sorcery and spirits that are inside the very fabric and pages of the script. This is a theatre tradition we must uphold if we are to continue to “tell a tale… full of sound and fury”.

Herndon High Homecoming Brings Together Community, Staff, Students and Alumni for an Unforgettable Celebration
Herndon's Homecoming includes a week of spirit days and activities. Activities include a pep rally, powderpuff game, bonfire, parade, football game and dance, which culminates the week of activities. Many alumni groups host their events during this time as well. The slideshow below captured the moments from this year's parade.