Hornet Highlights
Weekly Highlights of events taking place at Herndon
Welcome to another edition of Hornet Highlights!
Throughout my travels each week, I always seem to find some great things going on both in and around Herndon High School. Here's a look at what has been happening in classes, in competition, and in the lives of our students and staff over the last week. I hope you enjoy! Sincerely, Liz Noto
Fine and Performing Arts
Band students worked in a website called Music Lab to make visual representations of the sounds they played. Mrs. Jacoby noted how easy it is to tell when someone's pitch is off. Students played enthusiastically, waiting to see the display. The work continues in band class as these students prepare to play for Graduation on June 19th.
The results are in! Students have been working hard to prepare for auditions in our various musical groups. Here, two students check out the lists for Chamber Orchestra, Symphonic Orchestra, and Concert Orchestra. It is always exciting to start to think about the next school year as we head into summer break.
This year's graduation speakers have been hard at work practicing and tweaking their speeches. In this photo, Student Council members receive advice from our senior sponsors, Lauren Eckert and Rodney Bedford. Based on the run-through, we should have a great celebration with skilled speakers next week!
Monday marked our annual Senior Picnic. Students gathered in the front of the school for a boxed lunch and some time with friends. This week, seniors will be participating in graduation rehearsals, walkthroughs at the feeder elementary and middle schools, and a Food Truck Festival in celebration of the end of their public school career. Graduation takes place on Monday at 7:30pm at Eagle Bank Arena.
Reading Challenge
Students who completed this year's Spring Reading Challenge were rewarded with a breakfast and prizes (including books, of course) last week. Students had to complete at least 3 items on a list that included listening to an audiobook, reading a book in another language, and reading a book in a genre you've never tried before. Congratulations to these students for their commitment to reading this year.
On Wednesday last week, 17 Hornets were recognized during the College Signing Ceremony in the lecture hall. These students have each committed to compete in their sport at the collegiate level. Thank you to Mr. Frohm (DSA) and Mr. Coghlan (ADSA) who organized this very special event.
Awards season is upon us and these distinguished students were recognized at last week's Athletics Banquet. Students pictured here are the soccer and lacrosse players selected as most improved, as the team's recipient of the sportsmanship award, or as Varsity MVP. Congratulations
Science Teacher, Dr. G is pictured here during a STEAM training last week. Dr. G, Mrs. Megan Sherrill, and Mrs. Amanda Hudson participated in this opportunity to learn how to design meaningful challenges for students to engage them in their learning. We are looking forward to hearing their new ideas!
Mrs. Condino's AP Physics C class reported to the Herndon Community Center on Saturday to put their cardboard boats to the test. Students paddled one way in their boats with two team members and collected two more students on the way back. It was a hilarious event with some boats sinking along the way. What a memorable learning experience for these students!
Outstanding HHS Staff
Congratulations to our Instructional Assistant, Gladys Frye for representing Herndon High School as our Outstanding Support Employee at this year's FCPS Honors ceremony. Also recognized were teacher Ben Hutton (Herndon's Outstanding Teacher), Jane Kortan (Herndon's Outstanding New Teacher), Maria Rottmann de Barrios (Herndon's Outstanding Hourly Employee), and Dianna Sosa (Herndon's Outstanding Leader).
Last week, our Student Services department presented their year in review to staff and students. School Counselor Kie Anderson led the presentation, which included a reflection for each of our major events sponsored by the Student Services Department. Ideas for improvement were also sought for each event to ensure success for years to come. Thank you to the Student Services team for their willingness to share their reflection on their work.