Recapping our amazing trip

By Kathleen Jacoby
Awards & Recognition
December 13, 2023

A few highlights:

  • In the attached photo you can see them performing in front of the USS Missouri, after which we stood on the deck that the Japanese surrendered on and viewed the instrument of surrender signed by General MacArthur and Foreign Minister Shigemitsu to “end” WWII.
  • When our students solemnly toured the USS Arizona memorial, they dropped flower petals from their leis onto the water above the visible outlines of the 14 inch guns and on the oil that continues to leak to the surface. 
  • We had veterans from the attack at the ceremony, also covered in this NPR article. Ike Schab (age 103) told the students he was a tuba player stationed as a musician who only weighed 125 pounds, and the ammunition that he had to keep passing to the artillery unit weighed 140 pounds. 
  • Senior Amran A. was selected to put leis on the WWII Purple Heart recipients in attendance. 
  • Our students marched for nearly 45 minutes as parade unit 84 out of 106, immediately in front of the Space Force unit. Ask them how sore they are. 😊
  • The students spent a day learning about Pacific Islander cultures, doing hands on activities from Tonga, Fiji, Tahiti, Hawaii, New Zealand, and Samoa. Many of them are returning with their handwoven/carved crafts. The students also hiked the Diamond Head volcano.
  • And my favorite highlight – finding some of the notes our students left house keeping completely unprompted when we were checking their rooms. The attached photo was the room of Javier R., Oscar S., Jonathan M.z, and Charles P.

I cannot stress enough my appreciate for such a supportive faculty and administration. It takes a village to raise these kids, and you are the best!
