School Innovation & Improvement Plan

Outcome goals for this academic school year

Herndon High School Region I

Elizabeth Noto | Principal

Background: All Fairfax County schools are also required to complete an access and opportunity goal as part of their School Innovation and Improvement Plan (SIIP) and can also capture additional goals. These are shown below.

Growth and Performance in Coursework


Students will meet the criteria for the metric Annual pass rate (9-12) for Reading and math (SOL/VAAP). Students with disabilities in English and Math will perform with an increase of 10% from the previous year.

Strategy 1

Increase student course success through Tier 2 interventions.

Strategy 2

Improve student engagement through consistent, rigorous, and relevant learning experiences.

Evidence of Progression Towards or Successful Completion of Advanced Coursework


By June 2024, we will increase enrollment of our Hispanic population in advanced classes (honors, AP & DE) by 10% through an intentional focus on literacy and engagement.

Strategy 1

Increase enrollment in AVID (and/or other CSP programs) at participating schools.

Strategy 2

Increase check-ins using coaching strategies to guide and support students through learning experiences.

Strategy 3

Improve student engagement through consistent rigorous and relevant learning experiences.

Student Attendence and Absenteeism Rates


At the end of the 2023-2024 school year, HHS' chronic attendance rate will be reduced by 10%. This places us in Level 1 with the state (current data: 19.98% SY 22-23). Chronic absenteeism defined as 10 % or more absences from school for any reason.

Strategy 1

Strengthen school team practices to monitor attendance data and determine need for intervention and additional support.

Strategy 2

Understand root causes of student absenteeism. Strengthen programmatic responses to attendance barriers.

Strategy 3

Create a school culture of engagement & belonging for students and families. Every staff, student, and family will feel safe and connected to the school community.

Disciplinary Disproportionality and Recidivism


Herndon HS will decrease the discipline disparity gap (ESOL and Hispanic students suspended (OSS) or referred divided by overall students suspended (OSS) or referred) by 10%.

Strategy 1

Integrate consistent analysis of discipline data disaggregated by subgroups (race/ethnicity, SWD, EL, FRM).

Strategy 2

Utilize an MTSS framework to establish and organize a schoolwide continuum of proactive behavior and wellness supports.

Strategy 3

Integrate Tier 1-3 Restorative practices and justice into school discipline procedures and practices.

Students on Track for Graduation at the End of 9th Grade


Strategy 1

Educate students, families, staff and community around various pathways to graduation and completion and post-secondary options.

Strategy 2

Increase data literacy of staff to process and analyze student graduation and completion and dropout data.