Databases & Resources

Online Databases

Destiny Discover - your access to print books, ebooks and e-audiobooks at Herndon High School Library. Use your FCPS student credentials. Place holds, renew your books, find collections of digital resources and more!

ABC-CLIO  - US government and history, US state and world geography, and world history. Also featured: African American Experience and Latino American Experience

Britannica Online School Edition - Broad, searchable encyclopedia for all grades/levels

Britannica Image Quest - copyright-free images for use in projects

COMICS PLUS - thousands of comics, graphic reads and manga

CultureGrams - information on countries

EBSCOhost - database suite offering periodicals, biographies, reference, ebooks and more
explora - student-friendly portal to EBSCO resources

Gale  - database suite offering periodicals, biographies, reference material, and current issues for all course subjects. Gale Pages allows you to choose one database; Gale Power Search gives access across different databases. Visit Gale in Context: Elementary and Gale in Context: Middle to find information that’s right for you. (includes ebooks)

Infobase History Research Center – includes African American and American history; ancient and medieval history

Infobase Issues & Controversies – examines current issues and relevant controversies

Infobase Science Online – featuring interactive experiments, videos/animations, diagrams and noted persons

JSTOR - scholarly resource for social issues, science, literary criticism, primary sources and more. Access to and

myON - collection of nearly 7000 ebooks; myON NEWS – searchable high interest news articles written for students


Noodletools - bibliography and notetaking tool

Enter the app in Google with your FCPS Google account.  You can also sign in with your Google login on the sign-in page: (“Access via G suite” then click “Sign in with Google”).


Pebble Go - basic reference materials in English & Spanish (e.g., animals, biographies) for developing readers including audio, video, and read- along features. Includes link to PebbleGoNext (American Indian history, biographies, science, social studies, and US states)

ROSEN Learning Center - interactive ebook collection covering history, science, social issues, and digital citizenship

SIRS Discoverer - database with information about controversial issues, animals, famous people, and countries, states, and provinces for developing readers


SIRS Issues Researcher - Database with information about controversial issues


soundzabound - royalty-free music library meeting licensing and technology requirements for education


TumbleBook Cloud Junior - online collection of read-along books for developing readers


TumbleBook Library - animated online picture book collection; includes English, Spanish or French


World Book Online - encyclopedias of different levels, including a Spanish language encyclopedia, and other reference material