
Post-Secondary Planning

Apprenticeship is an employer's training program. It is a time-honored program combining on-the-job training (OJT) with related instruction (RI). The result is a skilled craftsperson. When you complete both on-the-job training and the related instruction, you become a registered apprentice. Registered apprentices completing a full program receive a State Apprenticeship

Certificate upon completion. This certificate is nationally recognized. Over 300 employers sponsor more than 1,200 apprentices in Northern Virginia each year.

Examples of Apprenticeship Programs

  • Carpentry
  • Cosmetology
  • Electricity
  • Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
  • Machinist
  • Nail Technician
  • Office Administrative Support Specialist
  • Optician
  • Plumbing
  • Surveying

FCPS ACE Apprenticeship Program

Apprenticeship Information in the Washington, D.C. Area

Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20001

Apprenticeship Terms/Definitions


Person 16 years or older, learning a trade with on-the-job training and related instruction in accordance with state and federal apprenticeship standards.


A certified, structured, well defined program of training that combines supervised on-the-job training skills with related instruction training in the classroom.

Apprenticeship Agreement:

Voluntarily signed document between employer (sponsor) and the apprentice that establishes their commitment and responsibilities.

Certification Card:

Wallet-size identification card issued by Virginia Department of Labor and Industry (VADOLI), certifying that you are a registered apprentice.


Upon completion of the apprenticeship program, the apprentice will receive an application at graduation or in the mail to take the exam.

Program Sponsor/Sponsor:

A ―registered program sponsor‖ is an individual employer, association, or joint apprenticeship committee with a Virginia address who has adopted Virginia Apprenticeship Standards with Virginia Department of Labor and Industry (VDADOLI). There must also be a structured, registered OJT training program including specific work assignments, wage scales, and the requirement to attend RI classes.

Registered Apprentice:

A person is a registered apprentice only if he/she has signed an apprenticeship agreement with a registered program sponsor who is his/her employer and has been certified by VADOLI.

Virginia Department of Labor and Industry (VADOLI):

Agency responsible for supervision and certification of OJT, registering apprentices, certifying and registering employers, and issuing state certificates.

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