Honor Code
Our goal at Herndon High School is to promote a learning environment that is grounded in honesty and integrity. The Hornet community commits to acting responsibly and ethically to build trust and prepare for the future.
The Code:
Students attending Herndon High School are expected to conduct themselves honorably in pursuit of their education. Cheating, plagiarism, and fraud violate ethical and moral rules of conduct and will not be tolerated at Herndon High School.
Responsibilities & Expectations of Our Community
It takes a collective effort to maintain the integrity of an Honor Code. To this end, we ask for the collaboration of students, parents, teachers, counselors, and administrators in upholding the Honor Code.
Act with academic integrity and honor
Understand the Honor Code, violations, and the consequences
Report instances of Honor Code violations to staff
Report instances of Honor Code violations to staff
Understand and actively reinforce Honor Code tenets with students
Support the faculty and administration with the enforcement of the Honor Code
Present and uphold the Herndon HS Honor Code in an equitable and unified manner
Display the Honor Code in the classroom
Closely monitor students in a testing environment
Report Honor Code violations as set forth in the following guidelines to the parent/guardian and appropriate administrator
Collaborate with teachers and administrators in counseling students regarding the Honor Code
Work with teachers and administrators in identifying root causes of Honor Code violations
Collaborate with administrators in meeting with students and parents as needed
Make the Honor Code publicly available to students, parents, and faculty/staff
Uphold Honor Code in unified and equitable manner
Maintain a written record of Honor Code violations
Follow through on consequences in a timely manner, including meeting with referring teacher and notifying sponsors of honor societies and other leadership organizations
Display the Honor Code in classrooms and hallways
Communicate to staff when appropriate regarding student participation in extracurricular activities
Violations and consequences are considered by each student’s history in all of his or her classes. The Honor Code addresses the following violations:
Examples include, but are not limited to:
Participating in or facilitating any form of copying (e.g., paper copying, taking pictures, utilizing cell phones)
Giving or receiving information orally, or by signs, gestures, or deception during any type of assessment
Discussing assessment information without teacher approval
Representing another person’s work as one’s own
Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Defined as any technology that can produce new content, including text, images, data, or video/audio, based on inputted patterns and structures
- Using AI to create new content for graded or non-graded assignments without expressly given teacher consent
- Examples include, but are not limited to: ChatGPT, JapserChat, and Google Bard.
Examples include, but are not limited to:
Forging a signature on any document
Hiring or paying another student/person/website to complete school assignments
Misrepresenting experience and/or participation in a club or organization on a resume
Presenting community service hours for course credit or other requirements when no service was performed
Submitting a project or assignment, without making substantial changes, more than once for credit (without teacher permission)
Examples include, but are not limited to:
Copying material directly from published material or a website without using quotation marks and proper citations
Turning in an assignment or project as one’s own work when it was written in part or entirely by someone else
Making up sources or including sources not consulted in works cited page
Altering, restating, or paraphrasing another person's words, ideas, or work without giving credit or acknowledging one’s sources. This would include but not be limited to text, music and video clips, photos, graphics, and artwork
Examples include, but not limited to:
Taking another's piece of writing/work and submitting it as one’s own
Taking teacher copies of quizzes and/or tests
Accessing an answer key or other materials belonging to a teacher without permission
Sharing pictures or details about assignments in person or through social media without teacher permission
Initial Steps:
- Teacher makes a phone call to the student's parents to notify them of the incident
- Teacher will discuss the incident with the student's assistant principal to include specific consequences
- Teacher will write the referral and submit it to the student's assistant principal
First Violation:
- Honor code violations will be recorded in SIS
- Student will redo the assignment or complete an alternative assignment without a grade penalty
- If a student commits an honor violation on a retake, the original grade stands
- Student will complete a reflection form with the administrator
- Student's sponsors in Honor Societies, Class Council, and other academic organizations will be notified. Please note that the honor societies will take the appropriate action required and outlined by their specific organizations.
Second Violation:
- Honor code violation will be recorded in SIS
- Administrator will meet with parents and students
- Student's sponsors in Honor Societies, Class Council, and other academic organizations will be notified
- It will be treated as a Tier 2 consequence from the SRR
- Loss of privileges for up to seven (7) days
- School based community service
- Assigned after school detention
Third Violation & Subsequent Violations:
- Honor code violations will be recorded in SIS
- Student's sponsors in Honor Societies, Class Council, and other academic organizations will be notified
- It will be treated as a Tier 3 consequence from SRR
- Loss of privileges up to fourteen (14) days
- School based community service
- In-school suspension up to two (2) days
Each violation will carry over to the following school year. It does not reset at the start of a new school year.