HHS Application for Use of Private Vehicle

Printable Version

Click the printable link above to access the document, or pick up from the Herndon High School Security Office. This form must be turned in to receive a parking permit.


(Form #1)

Parking Is Not Guaranteed

Date of Application_____________________________ Student Grade (2024-2025)________________

I hereby apply for the privilege of parking an automobile at Herndon High School.  If this application is approved, I understand that I am expected to follow/obey all Virginia traffic laws, Fairfax County School Board rules and Herndon High School rules involving the use of automobiles.  I understand that any violation on my part could result in my parking privileges being suspended or revoked.  It is further understood that neither Herndon HS nor the Fairfax County School Board shall be held responsible for any damages or theft incurred while on school grounds at any time or on property leased/used by the school.  This parking permit is non-refundable and non-transferable.

Student Signature X_________________________________                Student ID ___________________________

Phone Number_________________________

I, the parent or legal guardian of the below listed student, approve of this application and understand that all parking privileges can be suspended or revoked at the discretion of the school.  I have also read and signed the Herndon High School parking regulations form.  I understand and agree that neither Herndon HS nor the Fairfax County School Board shall be held responsible for any damages or theft incurred while on school grounds at any time or on property leased/used by the school.  This parking permit is non-refundable and non-transferable.

Parent/Legal Guardian Signature X___________________________________   Phone Number________________________


Vehicle #1: License Plate #__________________State___________

Make of Car _________________ Model ____________________ Color of Car ____________

Vehicle #2: License Plate #__________________State____________

Make of Car __________________Model _____________________Color of Car_____________

Student Name _________________________________________   Student ID#___________________

Address ______________________________________________________________________         

City _______________________ State ___________ Zip ______________

Parking Fee Paid By (NAME) ______________________________ Date_____/______/______

(Fill in) Check #______________      $ ____________       (Fill in) Cash $___________        

Students Base School__________________________________

Academy Location: __________________________________

Do waiver to leave school: Yes or No       Reason For Waiver: __________________________

Counselors Signature Approving Waiver: __________________________________________