Herndon's Newspaper, The Stinger

The Stinger is the student voice of Herndon High School, published monthly in print, and can also be found online:

The Stinger is written and published in the Journalism classes, which are offered to students all four years. The Stinger prides itself on unbiased reporting of news, mostly from our school, the local communities of Herndon and Reston, and international or national news relevant to us as students. We are a platform for the opinions of any and all students, and a way to highlight clubs, activities, students, and teachers at Herndon High School. Pick up a copy in the main office. Students can pick up copies from their English teachers. We offer advertising opportunities for local businesses. We gladly accept students as guest writers. For more information, please email @email.

If you need to reach Ms. Crosson, the The Stinger adviser, you can visit her page.